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Center of Excellence Program Announces Updates

Resumes Accepting Applications

Since the launch of the Center of Excellence Program in 2020, through the hard work of the Medical Advisory Board, designations have been awarded to twelve quality, multi-disciplinary pheo para centers. Over the past few months, the Pheo Para Alliance paused accepting applications from interested centers to revise the program in order to provide applicant centers with clearer guidelines to meet the program’s objectives, which are to:

1.      Increase access to multi-disciplinary, coordinated clinical care for diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
2.      Educate professionals and newly diagnosed patients and their families
3.      Facilitate pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma research

The Medical Advisory Board has completed its program revision and is now accepting applications from interested centers, once again. Details regarding the new program can be found here.

The new program includes two designations: Clinical Center of Excellence (CCE) and Clinical and Research Center of Excellence (CRCE). As a patient advocacy organization, it is critically important to direct patients to centers that provide quality, multi-disciplinary care. We also understand the importance of recognizing centers that have comprehensive research programs. This new program acknowledges both in a more dynamic way.

We believe this program revision will elevate the level of care for our patients and facilitate research in a meaningful way. We hope interested centers will consider applying for a designation in the near future.

More information about the program can be found here.