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PPA Board Member Speaks with “Day One” Med Students

Michael L. Campbell, Pheo Para Alliance Vice-Chair, spoke with 165 medical students during their first day of medical school in early August.  Michael discussed his journey as a patient at the University of Connecticut where he was diagnosed and treated for pheochromocytoma paraganglioma.  Interviewed by Dr. Sandra Scippa, Michael had a unique opportunity to answer questions from the new recruits, which included, “how do I know if I have the empathy to be a good doctor?”

Michael is part of the Pheo Para Alliance Speaker’s Bureau, which is comprised of patients, caregivers, clinicians and researchers.  The bureau’s goal is to raise awareness of the illness and educate groups on the complexities of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.

If you are interested in requesting a speaker, please email us at Learn more about the speaker’s bureau here.