Paul Stoughton

Paul is a Sound Designer working in video game development in the Seattle area. He was born in San Diego, California and grew up enjoying the beach and playing music in bands with his friends. After high school he left California to attend a digital arts college in the SF Bay Area, launching his career in interactive audio design. He loves music, recording sounds, long walks with his 1 year old golden retriever named Ramen and spending time with his newlywed wife Nikki.

He was first diagnosed with Paraganglioma at age 16, resulting in a long abdominal surgery to remove two tumors. It wasn’t until 14 years later that the disease returned, sending him through another round of surgeries to remove recurrent and metastatic disease. He’s currently eight years past this milestone and grateful for every tumor free year since. His priority now is enjoying a balanced life, enjoying the moment, and helping others navigate this disease.