Photo/Media Release - Pheo Para Conference

The undersigned understands that the Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma 2019 International Conference (hereinafter “Conference”) is being simulcast (i.e., streamed) over the internet, videotaped and photographs will be taken during the Conference. The videotape and photographs will be made public by the Pheo Para Alliance, Inc. (hereinafter “The Alliance”). Knowing that the conference will be simulcast, videotaped and photographs taken for public consumption, the undersign hereby gives The Alliance, its representatives, agents, officers and affiliates the right to simulcast, take photographs and video of me and my personal property in connection with the Conference. This release includes all activity at the Conference, including, but is not limited to, the content of any presentations, questions during the presentation, and any activity before and after the presentation. I further hereby authorize The Alliance, its assigns and transferees, at their sole discretion to edit, copyright, use and publish the same in print or electronically including, without limitation, streaming live video over the internet. I agree that The Alliance may use such photographs and/or video of me with my name for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and on the internet. I have read and understand the above:

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