Pheo Para Alliance proudly supports Early Career Investigators at the International Symposium on Pheochromocytoma (ISP) to fuel the pipeline of future research on pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.

From its 2005 inception at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, the International Symposium on Pheochromocytoma has gathered internationally prominent clinicians and scientists in order to foster cross-continental partnerships. Under the auspices of the Pheochromocytoma and Research and Support Organization (PRESSOR), worldwide experts have convened every three years in Cambridge, England, Paris, France, Kyoto, Japan, and Sydney, Australia to present, discuss, and explore therapeutic options, novel genetic and metabolomic approaches, diagnostic imaging, translational research efforts and much more.

Plenary sessions focus on the latest discoveries and perspectives in genetics and epigenetics, biochemistry and metabologenomics, theranostics, and mitochondrial function. The symposium welcomes patients and will have several sessions devoted to patient management, including unique case presentations and in-person discussions with expert physicians on their approach to the workup, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with this tumor. All health care professionals, scientists, students, patients, and allies are welcome to attend this Symposium, which outline new focuses and avenues for early diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately prevention of pheochromocytoma. Only through spreading the word “pheochromocytoma” can we beat this tumor.

Find out more about the 2022 ISP Conference below.

International Symposium on Pheochromocytoma Recap